- 2024
- WAF 2024 Completed Buildings, Small Project of the Year Prize Winner (Fushi)
- Good design prize, Japan Institute of Design Promotion (Ekimae no Ibasyo)
- Kids Design Prize, Kids Design Award (Ekimae no Ibasyo)
- Kids Design Prize, Kids Design Award (Hut of Hat)
- JAPAN WOOD DESIGN AWARD 2024, Wood Design Award (Tomioka Kindergarten)
- 2023
- The Japan Institute of Architects, JIA Architects of the Year (Niijima Forest - Niijima Gakuen Junior College Hall & Chapel)
- Good design prize, Japan Institute of Design Promotion (Niijima Forest - Niijima Gakuen Junior College Hall & Chapel)
- Good design prize, Japan Institute of Design Promotion (Children Center of Tomioka)
- Kids Design Prize, Kids Design Award (Ginnan Kindergarten)
- Kukan Design Award 2023, Longlisted (THE MOMENT JAZZ CLUB)
- 2022
- Architectural Institute of Japan, Selected Architectural Designs (Niijima Forest - Niijima Gakuen Junior College Hall & Chapel)
- Winner of the ArchDaily Building of the Year 2022 (Niijima Forest - Niijima Gakuen Junior College Hall & Chapel)
- Good design prize, Japan Institute of Design Promotion (Seto SOLAN Primary School)
- Good design prize, Japan Institute of Design Promotion (Magnolia Coffee Roasters)
- Kids Design Prize, Kids Design Award (Seto SOLAN Primary School)
- Kids Design Prize, Kids Design Award (Yuzunoki Nursery)
- Kukan Design Award 2023, Longlisted (Ginnan Kindergarten)
- 2021
- Religion - Completed Buildings Winner, WORLD ARCHITECTURE FESTIVAL 2021 (Niijima Forest - Niijima Gakuen Junior College Hall & Chapel) LINK 1 LINK 2
- A' Design Award - Silver A' Design Award,Architecture, Building and Structure Design Category (The Pitched Roof House)
- Kids Design Prize, Kids Design Award (PLAY! PARK)
- Kids Design Prize, Kids Design Award (Makado Kagamimochi Nursery)
- Kids Design Prize, Kids Design Award (Piccolo Bambini Child Dential and Orthodontics Clinic)
- Kukan Design Award 2023, Shortlisted (PLAY! PARK)
- 2020
- Architectural Institute of Japan, Annual Architectural Commendations (Muku Nursery)
- Architectural Institute of Japan, Selected Architectural Designs (Tomioka Chamber of Commerce and Industry Hall)
- Good design prize, Japan Institute of Design Promotion (Muku Nursery)
- Good design prize, Japan Institute of Design Promotion (Tomioka Chamber of Commerce and Industry Hall)
- Good design prize, Japan Institute of Design Promotion (Styrene foam sofa/PLAY!SOFA)
- Good design prize, Japan Institute of Design Promotion (Shibuya Fukuras)
- Ota City Landscape Award (Magnolia Coffee Roasters)
- The Karic Brothers Award 2020
- 2019
- Architectural Institute of Japan, Selected Architectural Designs (Asahi Kindergarten Second Period)
- Architectural Institute of Japan, Selected Architectural Designs (The Loggia of Sanjo)
- Excellence Award of Hyogo Prefecture/ Architectural Award for Community Development of Human Scale in Hyogo, Hyogo Prefecture(Children Center of Mi-rise Sora)
- Encouragement Award, Japan Wood Design Award 2019 (Children Center of Mi-rise Sora)
- The best architecture of the 21st century, The Guardian (Fuji Kindergarten)
- Kids Design Prize, Kids Design Award(Muku Nursery)
- Good design prize, Japan Institute of Design Promotion (Ihai (Buddhist mortuary tablet) Kokuutan)
- Good design prize, Japan Institute of Design Promotion (Children Center of Mi-rise Sora)
- Good design prize, Japan Institute of Design Promotion (Shorinji Temple)
- Architectural Institute of Japan, Annual Architectural Commendations (Sora no Mori Clinic)
- 2018
- The Japan Institute of Architects, JIA Architects of the Year (The Loggia of Sanjo)
- Children Environment Association Prize, Children Environment Design Award (Muku Nursery)
- BCS奖(空之森诊疗所)
- 儿童设计奖(朝日幼儿园第二期)
- School Completed Buildings Winner, WORLD ARCHITECTURE FESTIVAL 2018 LINK 1 LINK 2 (Muku Nursery)
- 2017
- 青森故乡景观奖最佳私人建筑类别奖(Yoshino 保育园)
- 世界环境建筑奖全球可持续建筑奖Moriyama RAIC国际奖2017(藤幼儿园)
- 儿童环境协会奖儿童环境设计奖(朝日幼儿园第二期)
- 2016
- The Japan Institute of Architects, JIA Architects of the Year (Chigasaki Zion Christian Church/Mihato Kindargarten)
- Architectural Institute of Japan, Annual Architectural Commendations (Child Chemo House)
- 日本建筑学会作品选集(儿童化疗院)
- 儿童设计奖(苇野保育园)
- 优秀设计奖(苇野保育园)
- 优秀设计奖(廊道舞台)
- 2015
- 神奈川建筑竞赛优秀奖(COPEN LOCAL BASE KAMAKURA_ Onarimachi)
- 日本商会总裁奖优秀设计/地区设计奖(冰见渔业交流馆)
- GOOD DESIGN奖(屋檐之教堂 - 东八幡基督教会)
- GOOD DESIGN奖(寄栋式屋顶之家)
- GOOD DESIGN奖(广场边上的阳台之家)
- GOOD DESIGN奖(儿童化疗院)
- GOOD DESIGN奖(空之森诊疗所)
- 日本建筑师学会优秀建筑奖(空之森诊疗所)
- 福冈县美城发展建筑奖优秀奖(屋檐之教堂 - 东八幡基督教会)
- 2014
- GOOD DESIGN奖(茅崎 Zion·基督教堂·圣鸠幼儿园)
- 标志性建筑奖(茅崎 Zion·基督教堂·圣鸠幼儿园)
- 标志性内装奖(儿童化疗院)
- 2013
- 儿童环境协会设计奖(朝日幼儿园)
- 日本建筑学会作品选集(环绕树)
- 经济产业大臣奖GOOD DESIGN金奖(朝日幼儿园)
- GOOD DESIGN奖(OG技研股份有限九州分公司)
- 2011
- 儿童环境学会设计奖励奖(雕塑森林 网森林)
- 良好学校设施实践(第4版)最高奖,OECD / CELE(藤幼儿园)
- GOOD DESIGN奖(OG技研股份有限东京分公司)
- 2009
- 太平洋亚太地区房产奖(藤幼儿园)
- 2008
- 日本建筑学会奖(作品奖)(藤幼儿园)
- 日本建筑师协会奖(藤幼儿园)
- 2007
- 经济产业大臣奖、儿童设计金奖、感性创意设计奖(藤幼儿园)
- 经济产业大臣奖优秀设计奖、互动设计奖(藤幼儿园)
- 亚洲设计奖(藤幼儿园)
- 儿童环境协会奖、儿童环境设计奖(藤幼儿园)
- 2005
- 日本建筑学会作品选集(越后松之山“森林学校”KYORORO)
- 2004
- 生态建设奖(越后松之山“森林学校”KYORORO)
- 2003
- 日本建筑学会作品选奨(屋顶上的家)
- GOOD DESIGN奖(发泡胶沙发)
- 2002
- 第18届吉冈奖(屋顶上的家)
- 日本建筑师协会新秀奖(屋顶上的家)
- 2001
- 新泻县松山町自然科学中心公开设计竞赛第1名
- 2000
- 东京建筑师协会住宅建筑奖(镰仓山之家)
- 日本商业环境建筑师协会JCD设计勉励奖(川越音乐公寓)
- 川越的诗歌大奖(川越音乐公寓)
- GOOD DESIGN奖(原宿大楼)
- GOOD DESIGN奖(川越音乐公寓)
- 川越城市景观奖(川越音乐公寓)
- 1998
- 日本建筑学会作品选奨(副岛病院)
- SD奖(辻堂之家)
- 1997
- 日本商业环境设计师协会JCD设计奖优秀奖(副岛病院)
- 贸易和工业部长奖优秀设计金奖(副岛病院)
- 佐贺市都市景观奖(副岛病院)
- 佐贺县绿城奖(副岛病院)
- 1995
- SD审查入选(副岛病院)
ASAHI幼儿园 第二期